Leave it to You Dirty Rat Books to publish new works by the long dead pulp writer, Loy Chastain – aka – Mace Palmer. Immerse yourself in a simpler world of B movie slang and shallow but engaging characters that once held the pulp fiction stage.
Chastain worked a series of blue collar jobs in Stockton, California: a service station operator, professional gambler, and longshoreman. He was an auto racing enthusiast, part of the pit crew for a Fresno race car team. More to the point, he wrote books in his spare time. He was a pulp fiction fan, influenced by the likes of Chandler, Spillane, and Robert Leslie Bellem.
You Dirty Rat plans to release a third installment of Mace Palmer’s “Alexander Blade, Frisco Detective” series, though a release date has yet to be determined.
So, kick back and enjoy Palmer’s first two entries into the nearly forgotten world of pulp fiction.